Friday, May 22, 2009

Notoriously Bad Blogger

Ok, I admit it...I'm a notoriously bad blogger...I'm bad at Facebook and Twitter and LinkedIn. I do my best, but well, between the full-time job, evening MBA program, and family, well there is just not much time left. However, I have to say that I really see the worth in all of the online networking, and am always interested in the intersection between technology and culture. Of course, relative to the GOMC, I am always interested in the intersection between technology and business as well! Without divulging details (which really won't be ready until the final report is submitted), I will say that I feel the Challenge was a grand success; success measured by both lessons learned and actual results for our business. So cheers to all the teams...cheers to Google who allowed us such a great learning experience, and cheers to our Professor, who took on a challenge of his own!

Team WHACK will look forward to submitting their final report...and again, best wishes to the rest of the teams that participated!

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