Friday, May 22, 2009

Notoriously Bad Blogger

Ok, I admit it...I'm a notoriously bad blogger...I'm bad at Facebook and Twitter and LinkedIn. I do my best, but well, between the full-time job, evening MBA program, and family, well there is just not much time left. However, I have to say that I really see the worth in all of the online networking, and am always interested in the intersection between technology and culture. Of course, relative to the GOMC, I am always interested in the intersection between technology and business as well! Without divulging details (which really won't be ready until the final report is submitted), I will say that I feel the Challenge was a grand success; success measured by both lessons learned and actual results for our business. So cheers to all the teams...cheers to Google who allowed us such a great learning experience, and cheers to our Professor, who took on a challenge of his own!

Team WHACK will look forward to submitting their final report...and again, best wishes to the rest of the teams that participated!

Saturday, May 9, 2009

week report

Last 7 days
Clicks 69
Impressions 72,965
CTR 0.09%
Avg. CPC $0.88
Avg. CPM $0.84
Total Cost $60.95

Best Performing Keywords: (last 7 days)
Keyword Clicks Impressions CTR
maternity jeans long 1 3 33.33%
nursing breastfeeding clothes 3 18 16.67%
nursing tanks 1 8 12.50%
madela breast pump 1 10 10.00%
mothers day gifts expecting moms 1 11 9.09%
nursing camisoles 1 12 8.33%
nursing clothes 5 73 6.85%
nursing tank tops 1 15 6.67%
nursing tops 4 67 5.97%
breastfeeding pajamas 1 20 5.00%

Monday, May 4, 2009

Musings Before Dawn...

It is very early, and I am out of coffee. Made some adjustments to the campaign and am curious to see how it affects performance today. I wonder how quickly our bidding will prompt others to respond? If we knocked someone out of their position (because we bid higher) will they check back today and respond by upping their bids?


We'll keep you posted.