Thursday, April 30, 2009

Introducing Team WHACK

Why Team WHACK? Aleesha, a most creative team member, came up with this acronym as our team name. It stands for Winnie, Hong, Aleesha, Claire, and Kat--the members of a most dedicated team.

Of course, we like that the definition might apply to our current endeavor as well...

whack [hwak, wak]

–verb (used with object) 1. to strike with a smart, resounding blow or blows. 2. Slang. to divide into or take in shares (often fol. by up): Whack the loot between us two.

Yes, we are beginning the Google Online Marketing Challenge on Saturday--and yes, we have been up late mulling over our strategies.

What else can I say? Let the games begin...

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